The Wishing Well Horror 
I hated drawing water from the dank, bug-infested well house to begin with. When the bucket came up heavier and more slowly than usual, I sensed that something was wrong. But I was totally unprepared for the horror that followed...

The Book Seller's Enigma 
I hadn't remembered seeing the musty old book shop on that street before, but the old peddler beckoned me. When I returned the next day with my brother, shop and shopkeeper had gone. We asked an old-timer passing by, 'That shop?' he declared, 'why it ain't been around for 50 years!'

The Smell in the Cellar 
We kept the cellar door locked. No one went down there. One day when I went by I smelled an odd, familiar smell, like something I hadn't smelled since I was little. The odor got stronger, until finally I opened the door and went down the rickety steps.

The Missing Photo 
I loved to look through our old family photos. One day, I noticed that a certain picture had been removed. I asked the whole family and no one seemed to have taken it. Was someone hiding something?

The Secret Room 
Tearing down a wall to build an addition to our home, I discovered a small narrow room hidden between the walls for decades and what was in it gave me the shock of my life. 

The Thing in the Pond
 For years, I've visited a pond in the woods near our house. Recently I saw something more than sand, rocks and a few fish and turtles. Something much, much more...

The Prank Caller We thought the odd phone calls were just pranks by some local kids. Until the caller asked me something really scary. 'Did anybody ever find where you buried the body?'

The Letter from Yesterday The envelope that came in the mail looked really elegant and I was hoping that it was an invitation to a party. It was an invitation. For a party dated, July 30, 1927.

The Silent Boy We were all playing in our fort by the creek. A tall thin boy with dark eyes and long hair appeared silently from the woods. He came out every day for two weeks but he never said a word. Until one day...

The Creature 
My cat likes to bring home an odd assortment of creatures. Not that he kills them. I think they are his friends. One day the cat brought home something I have never seen before in my life and I doubt that I ever will again.

Plot Ideas:

Your character is looking for the perfect present

Your character wants to ruin a painter's picture

Your character is being blackmailed

Your character is sick and needs a rare medicine

Your character is found dead in a room

Your character needs money to pay for college

Your character is running for office and wants to be sure he will win

Your character is planning on something evil

Your character is very sad 

Suspense Writing Prompts

It was a strange night, there seemed to be a chill in the air...

As soon as I arrived, I could sense that something was out of place...

One night, I looked out the window and I saw the neighbor...

I was reading a book when I looked up. There in the window I saw...

I decided to go for an evening stroll.  I walked about three blocks when I felt it...

They would have been fine if they hadn't stopped for the stranger...

Everyone avoided the big old mansion. It was believed to have...

They said she was able to utter a few words before she died...

Something is drastically wrong! Every time I pick up the telephone...

Sometimes I think my friend has strange powers. Every time he's around...

All of the sudden I was trapped! 

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    Ms. Serafin is a third grade teacher in Atlanta, GA that loves to teach HOTS, writing, and to constantly challenge her students!


    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013

